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Friday, September 9, 2022

Liza Fletcher & Safety While Running

Today's 10-mile run for #letsfinishlizasrun felt like crap.  I probably would have just cut it short, but I finished it because Liza will never be able to experience the glorious feeling of a crappy run ever again thanks to a scumbag that never should have been let out of jail in the first place (seriously... prior charges of rape, assault, robbery, kidnapping, and keeping a man in his trunk??  How was he free??).

And to those with the judgy comments of 1) why was she was wearing just a sports bra?, and 2) why was she running in the dark alone at 4:30am?  Have YOU ever run 10 miles in the extreme heat/humidity?  Probably not.  I can tell you that she was not trying to attract anyone's attention.  What she was doing though was trying to regulate her body temperature while working hard towards a goal.  And are you one of those people that says "Oh, I wish I could do that, but I don't have the time."  Yeah, Liza didn't have the time either, but ya know what, she made the time.  In addition to being a mom of two little boys with a full-time job, she trained hard and made it happen when she could, which for her meant at 4:30am.  Where there's a will, there's always a way, and this was Liza's way.  So, I challenge you to have even a fraction of Liza's grit and determination.  Maybe then you'll understand and shut your pie hole.

And to the media that was quick to point out the fact that Liza was an heiress to a billionaire and had some marital struggles.  Shame on you.  What couple doesn't have stuff to work through at some point?  We were being led to believe at first that her husband had something to do with it when really, he was probably already struggling to protect his two boys, that will now never see their mommy again, along with his own emotions.  I get that they have to explore all possibilities, but come on, wait until you have some actual facts before you break someone down even further.  But, I digress...

Wherever Liza is now, I hope she finished her run and then some.  And to all my fellow runners, men & women, don't let these scums scare and deter you from doing what you love.  Alternatively, let's do it safely, but let's do it even more now.  Trust your gut, and if you come across someone sketchy/suspicious, look them confidently right in the eye and let them know that you're a force to be reckoned with... 

And maybe get one of these:

Rant over. 

Here are more tips to stay safe on the run:

* Run against traffic so that you can see who is coming towards you.

* If you wear headphones, leave one out so that you have an ear open to hear everything around you and, especially, behind you.

* Wear reflective gear and lights.

* Ladies, consider bunning your ponytails, wearing a hat, etc.. Sad to have to think of this, but ponytails are easy to grab.

* Run with your phone or tell someone your route before you head out. Running clothes, sports bras, & belts nowadays come with so many awesome pockets!

* There's safety in numbers of course! Buddy up when ya can. If you're like me and often enjoy the solitude of a run, just be sure to run in populated areas.

* Carry pepper spray, and/or as I mentioned above, get this:

* Carry something that can make noise if needed. alarm, a whistle; etc.

* Change up your routine. Don't run the same route every day, especially if you run at the same time every day.

* Always assume cars have the right of way even when they don't. Cars can be a-holes and won't necessarily stop at crosswalks; etc. With that said, don't be an a-hole runner ... i.e. don't sprint across the street to beat a car - just wait until they go. You certainly don't want to risk getting hit or someone developing road rage.

* Unfortunately, social media, while awesome in so many ways, can make it easy to track our whereabouts (i.e. Strava). Be careful with including your locations, and be sure that you only accept people you know. Consider keeping your accounts private too.

* Also as mentioned above, trust your gut, and if someone looks suspicious, don't look away and show vulnerability. Look them in the eyes and let them know that you not only see them, but you're confident and not afraid.

Happy & safe running, y'all!

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